To start with I will show you the newspaper article myself and Robbie did with the Penrith Star. It went really well, and there were no inaccuracies or misinformation, so it was pretty successful.

The article has sparked some more interest in Penrith, and we have had a few more people join us in Penrith each Saturday. It also caught the eye of the Hawkesbury Gazette, who interviewed me at my park in Kurrajong. The article is due to be published tomorrow, so I will upload a scan of it.
I have made a two new videos since my last blog post: One is a training video at my park, and the other is of a day I had in Sydney with Robbie, Antek and Max. It was a great day, and we explored some new areas of the City. Probably one of the best training sessions I have had. Anyways, here are the videos:
Light As A Feather
Sydney Parkour - 24th Feb 08
I had my birthday on the 11th of February, and I got a new camera - it is a bit like my old one but with so many better features, namely the picture quality, better video quality and the ability to record in widescreen AND with sound this time. I have been taking some pictures each week in Penrith, and they have turned out pretty good so far. Here is a selection, the rest can be found on here:

Along with taking pictures in Penrith, Robbie and I are creating a new Penrith Sessions video, this time the aim being to show the growth of parkour in Penrith, as well as to show some new areas and movements. Filming is taking place throughout March, and Robbie is doing the final edit.
So, apart from media-whoring, what else have I been doing?
Well, mainly training at my park - conditioning and working on new movements on rails and bars. I can really feel a sense of freedom and ease of movement there now, and I also feel ownership over the park; I use it practically everyday and hate to see it messy and littered.
The other day whilst training I just felt so alive and confident, and could feel a real progression in my strength and abilities. Muscle ups and climbups are getting better - I have been practising technique for both, as that was the trouble I had with it. One week in Penrith I couldn't do muscle ups on the green bars, then after working on technique, the next week I could do loads.
I did a big conditioning session on Monday with a friend, partly for a PE assignment, mainly to try some new things. Highlights included around 120 metres of lunges and then a sprint back; handstand walking across a wall and quadrupedal. The session was mainly leg and ab based, and thats what aches at the moment. One day this week I'll do a more focused upper body session, most likely on Thursday.
OOOH! Just remembered, I also had a really great gym session in Homebush for my birthday, and Danny Ilabaca was there, as he was over for a K-Swiss promotion. He remembered me from the WWJ workshop in Lincoln, which was cool. That night I learnt back tucks, and have got them on grass as well now. So yer, basically an awesome month of training.
That's all from me for now, good luck in all your own forms of movement. Happy trainingz!
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