I couldnt go to Lincoln, so I had a good training session in Ruskington with Tumo and Snap for the day. I did a few new precisions which I was proud of, one out of a tree. I focused mainly on these precisions, and we had a bit of an explore aswell. Our main training spot was the Churchyard, as there was a lot to do there. The Co-Op also has a new set of rails, where you can practise catpass to armjumps and 180 armjumps from rail to wall with rail. This will become one of my heavily sessioned places soon.
Noticable improvement in confidence
Greater agility
More powerful movements
2 new precisions
New catpass to armjump and 180 armjump
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Training 26-11-06
I had a good training session today, did some treework, arm jumps and precisions mainly. Luke trained with me, and we filmed a few things that we both had found before. I was particularly proud of an arm jump I hadnt been able to do before, yet Luke has already done it. I got a cool running precision on film, and it looks very nice. Youtube screwed up the ending:
Sunday, November 26, 2006
25-11-06 Lincoln
It was wet training in Lincoln today, as we had expected. When I arrived at Ruskington station, I preceded with my usualy warm-up and precision practise, and then tried a running precision to a kerb, diagonally from a slightly raised platform.
It was pouring it down in Lincoln, so we decided to sprint all the way to Lucy Towers carpark for a warm-up and training. All 14 of us arrived soaking wet but in high spirits, and put the second to top level of the carpark to good use, jogging, quadrupedal walking, basic vaults etc. Despite our best efforts to avoid CCTV, some people went in full view on the tope open level, so we got kicked after about 20 minutes. Luckily by then it had stopped raining and we were dry.
We stocked up on lunch at the Spar, then headed to the only other undercover training spot, which is underneath City Hall.
I did some arm jumps from rocks to a slippy wall, with no overgrip, which I was very pleased with:
I also did some very far (for my height)arm jumps from ledge to wall and rail, which was at ground level. We all practised vaults and had silent landing competitions in our socks. Throughout this, the weather eased off, and by 1:00 it was dry enough to go out. We headed over to Usher Gallery, training on the steps and doing the Usher Challenge (where we got kicked not even half way round).
After this, we split off, and my group consisted of me, Jammie, Jack, Stu and Tumo, and we headed up to the Castle. A policewoman always appeared wherever we went, obviously interested. When we explained what we were doing, she left us alone. We made our way back down, and ended up near City Hall. We trained on the slanted walls, drilling tic-tacs and vaults. Then the brown rails, where we couldnt do a lot, and then we headed back underneath City Hall, for a warm down and more training, less people meant we could do more things, and we mainly focused on flow work.
Then, we headed back into town, and went to watch Casino Royale, which was amazing. I met up with my parents there, and afterwards we went to Nando's for a pig out.
All in all, it was a very good day, despite the rain, we all stayed positive and had a great focused training session. I managed to film some video clips and get some photo's, which I will make into a training video.
3 large arm jumps
Increased confidence
Improved quadrupedal walking
Improved flow and vaults
It was pouring it down in Lincoln, so we decided to sprint all the way to Lucy Towers carpark for a warm-up and training. All 14 of us arrived soaking wet but in high spirits, and put the second to top level of the carpark to good use, jogging, quadrupedal walking, basic vaults etc. Despite our best efforts to avoid CCTV, some people went in full view on the tope open level, so we got kicked after about 20 minutes. Luckily by then it had stopped raining and we were dry.
We stocked up on lunch at the Spar, then headed to the only other undercover training spot, which is underneath City Hall.
I did some arm jumps from rocks to a slippy wall, with no overgrip, which I was very pleased with:
I also did some very far (for my height)arm jumps from ledge to wall and rail, which was at ground level. We all practised vaults and had silent landing competitions in our socks. Throughout this, the weather eased off, and by 1:00 it was dry enough to go out. We headed over to Usher Gallery, training on the steps and doing the Usher Challenge (where we got kicked not even half way round).
After this, we split off, and my group consisted of me, Jammie, Jack, Stu and Tumo, and we headed up to the Castle. A policewoman always appeared wherever we went, obviously interested. When we explained what we were doing, she left us alone. We made our way back down, and ended up near City Hall. We trained on the slanted walls, drilling tic-tacs and vaults. Then the brown rails, where we couldnt do a lot, and then we headed back underneath City Hall, for a warm down and more training, less people meant we could do more things, and we mainly focused on flow work.
Then, we headed back into town, and went to watch Casino Royale, which was amazing. I met up with my parents there, and afterwards we went to Nando's for a pig out.
All in all, it was a very good day, despite the rain, we all stayed positive and had a great focused training session. I managed to film some video clips and get some photo's, which I will make into a training video.
3 large arm jumps
Increased confidence
Improved quadrupedal walking
Improved flow and vaults
Bag Test
Well, yesterday's jam provided plenty of opportunity to test out my new bag. I didnt use the water pack with it, but everything else impressed me. The mp3 pocket is genius, and I was listening to music fom my house to Lincoln, jogging and sitting on the train. It stays on my back very well when running, and there is no restriction of arm movemement. The only thing you cant do is roll on it, but it isnt designed for that. Here are some pictures of me testing it out:

Saturday, November 25, 2006
New Bag+TSD
My dad bought me a new bag that I am going to use when training. My other bag was an over the shoulder on ya back type one, which was annoying. This one is a brandnew 2006 Camelback M.U.L.E, and I love it. I will be testing it out training tomorrow in Lincoln, but Im debating whether to have the water pack in it...
Tang Soo Do this evening was good, my fitness has definetly improved, I remember struggling with pressups and this week I have them really good and easy. We did some basic drills, and then kicking and stick practise. One of my favourite parts was having to constantly pop vault over a big set of mats to get to equipment, then turn over the other side and land.
Cant wait for Lincoln tomorrow, Im seeing Casino Royale after too!
Tang Soo Do this evening was good, my fitness has definetly improved, I remember struggling with pressups and this week I have them really good and easy. We did some basic drills, and then kicking and stick practise. One of my favourite parts was having to constantly pop vault over a big set of mats to get to equipment, then turn over the other side and land.
Cant wait for Lincoln tomorrow, Im seeing Casino Royale after too!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
At school yesterday I was in my PE kit, and whilst I was waiting for my friend I did a bit of quadrupedal walking, up and down a concrete slope. I thought I would get called a freak, but I attracted a bit of an audience, a lot of people were impressed, more so than if I did a vault.
So, I am loving my quadrupedal walking, and I am going to practise it lots.
Also, I had TKD yesterday, I managed to break the easiest board, but couldnt quite break the brown board. Jammie did though...could be because he weighs twice as much as me. Oh well, it was still pretty good, we dida fun knee-slapping exercise to get us in the mood for sparring. I beat Jammie at that, but he beat me at the head slapping one.
Hopefully I can fit in a training session before the weekend, after school, but it's not likely, seeing as I get back at 5:30 and Im not allowed out.
So, I am loving my quadrupedal walking, and I am going to practise it lots.
Also, I had TKD yesterday, I managed to break the easiest board, but couldnt quite break the brown board. Jammie did though...could be because he weighs twice as much as me. Oh well, it was still pretty good, we dida fun knee-slapping exercise to get us in the mood for sparring. I beat Jammie at that, but he beat me at the head slapping one.
Hopefully I can fit in a training session before the weekend, after school, but it's not likely, seeing as I get back at 5:30 and Im not allowed out.
Monday, November 20, 2006
30 Mins Training Today
Well, my knee is virtually fine from yesterday now, so I went out from 4:00 till 4:30, because the rest of the day has been filled up with coursework and chores. In some ways I'm glad it was quite short, because it made me appreciate my session and I managed to cram some good stuff in.
I headed off next door to the trees, to warm my knee up and try and not do too much impact on it while it was a bit stiff. I did a few lachés (across and down ones) and did some swinging and endurance stuff, seeing how long I could hold my self up for in various positions. After my knee was warmed up I did a few rolls, I have improved them a lot since the workshop.
Then I headed off down to the church, originally to do some more treework. I did a few more different lachés (one handed and downwards), and then I spotted a new challenge.
There was a gravestone lying down, slightly angled, and another thing shaped like this: /\ but less slanted, and I thought I could running precision from the first gravestone onto the slanted bit facing me. I had a few attempts but couldn't do it. Then I tryed precisioning from the /\ thing to the lower part of the gravestone. The gap was about 8 foot, and after a few attempts I managed to stick it. Did it 3 times then moved to the other church bit to do some quadrupedal walking on the floor, balancing, silent walking (where you swing your hips and sink onto your legs, then back up again) and snake pressups. As I headed back through the church, I tryed the big running precision again, and after a few attempts I stuck it. It was a good feeling to get it, gave me a much needed boost after yesterday. I did it a few more times, with impressed looks from old people and chavs alike. The funny thing was because I was landing under a tree and it was already dark, so I had to use instinct and good night vision to get it.
I moved to the alleyway, it was nearly time to go in so I didnt have time to go and do the level arm jump, but I did a few 180 arm jumps at the alleyway instead. Then I jogged back home, and Im about to shower.
8 foot precision (slightly downward)
8 foot running precision (upward and diagonal)
Noticeable endurance improvement (running and strength)
Various new lachés (more controlled)
Better quadrupedal walking
I headed off next door to the trees, to warm my knee up and try and not do too much impact on it while it was a bit stiff. I did a few lachés (across and down ones) and did some swinging and endurance stuff, seeing how long I could hold my self up for in various positions. After my knee was warmed up I did a few rolls, I have improved them a lot since the workshop.
Then I headed off down to the church, originally to do some more treework. I did a few more different lachés (one handed and downwards), and then I spotted a new challenge.
There was a gravestone lying down, slightly angled, and another thing shaped like this: /\ but less slanted, and I thought I could running precision from the first gravestone onto the slanted bit facing me. I had a few attempts but couldn't do it. Then I tryed precisioning from the /\ thing to the lower part of the gravestone. The gap was about 8 foot, and after a few attempts I managed to stick it. Did it 3 times then moved to the other church bit to do some quadrupedal walking on the floor, balancing, silent walking (where you swing your hips and sink onto your legs, then back up again) and snake pressups. As I headed back through the church, I tryed the big running precision again, and after a few attempts I stuck it. It was a good feeling to get it, gave me a much needed boost after yesterday. I did it a few more times, with impressed looks from old people and chavs alike. The funny thing was because I was landing under a tree and it was already dark, so I had to use instinct and good night vision to get it.
I moved to the alleyway, it was nearly time to go in so I didnt have time to go and do the level arm jump, but I did a few 180 arm jumps at the alleyway instead. Then I jogged back home, and Im about to shower.
8 foot precision (slightly downward)
8 foot running precision (upward and diagonal)
Noticeable endurance improvement (running and strength)
Various new lachés (more controlled)
Better quadrupedal walking
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sleaford Today
Hoepfully I can go train with Jammie and Shaun in Sleaford today, seeing as my knee is better. I guess I was quite lucky, because it showed me how much I value my movement.
EDIT: Seems I cant, but I think I'll go out in my village.
EDIT: Seems I cant, but I think I'll go out in my village.
Training in Lincoln - 18/11/06
I got injured half way through, but I did something I was proud of. The big gap/precision at the little church near the train station, I worked myself up for it, and did it.
Also, at City Hall I did some turn overs on walls, which I have finally got confident with.A few other vaults, and crawling up the cobble bits at City Hall.
A nice 360 underbar and then jump down stairs to roll at the Echo was good, Im finally getting my rolls alot better on concrete. I have been having to learn them again with both palms on the floor, instead of one up one down, because I was told I could break my wrist, so I have finally learnt them again.
That lady who pushed me off the rail...I had a proper go at her...stupid cow. I wish I had been able to do some jumping around in that courtyard area near the garages, I was so annoyed...Ill be better though. I also wanna see the cat to precision Jammie found, I would have loved to be able to do that.
Also, at City Hall I did some turn overs on walls, which I have finally got confident with.A few other vaults, and crawling up the cobble bits at City Hall.
A nice 360 underbar and then jump down stairs to roll at the Echo was good, Im finally getting my rolls alot better on concrete. I have been having to learn them again with both palms on the floor, instead of one up one down, because I was told I could break my wrist, so I have finally learnt them again.
That lady who pushed me off the rail...I had a proper go at her...stupid cow. I wish I had been able to do some jumping around in that courtyard area near the garages, I was so annoyed...Ill be better though. I also wanna see the cat to precision Jammie found, I would have loved to be able to do that.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Lincoln Tomorrow - TSD Today
Lincoln Training and jam tomorrow!
ALso, I Had Tang Soo Do this evening, went well. I learnt to spin my stick forwards and backwards, and then walked up and down the hall doing it whilst doing leg conditioning, where you take a step and sink onto your foot, almost like you are sitting but not directly forward, then back up, spin and down. Was a pretty good exercise, Im gonna use it tomorrow.
ALso, I Had Tang Soo Do this evening, went well. I learnt to spin my stick forwards and backwards, and then walked up and down the hall doing it whilst doing leg conditioning, where you take a step and sink onto your foot, almost like you are sitting but not directly forward, then back up, spin and down. Was a pretty good exercise, Im gonna use it tomorrow.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I haven’t progressed lots in one go, but each week I have been improving little techniques and developing new ones each week, which overall has made a big difference.
I have noticed a big change in everyone from Lincs Parkour and their attitude to training aswell.
My confidence has boosted, so am doing a lot more things I knew I was capable of, but had mental blocks on. So the more things I do and try, the more my confidence rises. Overall my strength and techniques have come along a lot, and more things are open for me to do. I feel I understand parkour alot more, and it has now become a lifestyle for me.
Recent Acheivements:
I got a level arm jump in Ruskington
I have learnt 180 arm jumps
My precision distance is greater and more controlled
My rolls are better and smoother
I am getting speed vaults on rails
I can do wallspins
Ill add a new acheivement list each week with new things I have learnt and improved on. Also, after each training session I will say what Ive been doing and how it went. All to keep track of my progression.
I have noticed a big change in everyone from Lincs Parkour and their attitude to training aswell.
My confidence has boosted, so am doing a lot more things I knew I was capable of, but had mental blocks on. So the more things I do and try, the more my confidence rises. Overall my strength and techniques have come along a lot, and more things are open for me to do. I feel I understand parkour alot more, and it has now become a lifestyle for me.
Recent Acheivements:
I got a level arm jump in Ruskington
I have learnt 180 arm jumps
My precision distance is greater and more controlled
My rolls are better and smoother
I am getting speed vaults on rails
I can do wallspins
Ill add a new acheivement list each week with new things I have learnt and improved on. Also, after each training session I will say what Ive been doing and how it went. All to keep track of my progression.
On the 29th of October the first WWJ Parkour Workshop was held at NK Sports Centre in Lincoln, which went down very well. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and has helped better my training. After it I felt like a much better traceur and person.
Hi, my name is James, but my friends know me by Wizey.
This blog is to keep a record of my training in the art of parkour, and also in the martial art I study, Tang Soo Do.
I have been doing parkour for about 8-9 months, and Tang Soo Do for the same amount of time. I am currently an orange belt in Tang Soo Do, which is 8th gup, however I have missed a grading.
This blog is to keep a record of my training in the art of parkour, and also in the martial art I study, Tang Soo Do.
I have been doing parkour for about 8-9 months, and Tang Soo Do for the same amount of time. I am currently an orange belt in Tang Soo Do, which is 8th gup, however I have missed a grading.
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