Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hanstands and Stuff

Recently I have been having a problem with my knees. I have obviously stopped training and rested, which has been going pretty good. I am aiming to rest for around a month. I can walk and run fine, and do a little bit of technical training, provided a thorough warm up and cool down is done. Also, I don't do any training involving my quads for too long, as I think this is the problem - I reckon I have really early stages of Osgood-Schlatters. Luckily it hasnt progressed far, so I think some rest shall make it good.

Because of this, I have decided to start training handstands a lot more, and my aim is to get raise-up handstands. Since deciding to start this training on Wednesday night, after speaking to Liam, I have done handstands each day. Against a wall for strength, and then kicking away from it for balance, as well as just doing ones on logs or rocks. On Thursday I did about 50, on Friday I did 70, Saturday I did about 50 on different surfaces, and today I did 100. Next Thursday I will update with how they are going. At the moment I am still developing the strength for raise-ups, and working on the balancing techniques - so far it is going good.

This is a video I made last month with some training around my village:

and here is a picture of some handstands down at the creek:

Handstand =]

Handstand II =]


-Wizey =]

1 comment:

SepKoN said...

Hay...are from Romania..I practically sport Le ParKouR, I have 14 years ... contact my yahoo massenger :rappers.sepkon ... rnx ....