I am going to Nelson Bay tomorrow for a few days, so I had a good couple hours training today. I filmed a little video, which I am pretty proud of, however the camera makes a few things look smaller than they actually are. Anyways, enjoy:
Monday, December 17, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Holidays Have Arrived!
Finally, my summer holidays have arrived. I left England before my summer holiday, and then came here to face another 2 terms of school. It has all been worth it though, as now my long awaited holiday is here. I aim to progress a lot this holiday and reach a few of my goals, mainly double armed muscle ups and better climbups. There should be a lot of training and exploring in Penrith with Robbie, and hopefully some Sydney guys will come down. I also plan on going to Sydney quite a bit aswell, there are a lot of things I want to get there.
WOO HOOO 8 weeks of holiday!
WOO HOOO 8 weeks of holiday!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Penrith and Sydney
Instead of having a conditioning session on Friday, I did more of a technical one, and felt so good about it. I managed to get a few new things at the park,my climbups felt a lot better and I came so close to getting a big cat-precision from a rail. This great session put me in a good mood for Penrith the next day. When I met Robbie, we went straight to out "epic" spot, and I got the cat-precision I had wanted last week. We also started filming a video of our training in Penrith. We found a great new spot and trained there for a while after going to our usual places, however we didnt get enough footage to make a decent length video, and hadn't trained at all the spots we had wanted. So, Robbie suggested we come back early tomorrow morning and finish it, then head off to Sydney at midday.
We met up again the next day and trained a the spots we hadn't visited the day before, and we managed to get this underbar at a park, and did a few runs that incorporated it. We both felt pretty pleased with ourselves, there were a few things that usually I wouldn't have gone for, but I trusted myself and knew that I could do them, so I was in a good mood. We got a train to Sydney at around 12:30 and we met Max on there. We had a great chat on the way to Sydney, and then we set off for the Basics class.
I managed to get almost all the way along the rock wall, it is roughly 100 metres long, and we traversed across it. I then got a large wall run, for which there was some applause, and we trained in a tree for a while. Myself and Wiseno both laughed a lot at an Asian lady who fell over when rollerskating, it was so funny.
It was a great weekend of training, which I haven't had in a while, and the video at the end of it was great. Enjoy:
We met up again the next day and trained a the spots we hadn't visited the day before, and we managed to get this underbar at a park, and did a few runs that incorporated it. We both felt pretty pleased with ourselves, there were a few things that usually I wouldn't have gone for, but I trusted myself and knew that I could do them, so I was in a good mood. We got a train to Sydney at around 12:30 and we met Max on there. We had a great chat on the way to Sydney, and then we set off for the Basics class.
I managed to get almost all the way along the rock wall, it is roughly 100 metres long, and we traversed across it. I then got a large wall run, for which there was some applause, and we trained in a tree for a while. Myself and Wiseno both laughed a lot at an Asian lady who fell over when rollerskating, it was so funny.
It was a great weekend of training, which I haven't had in a while, and the video at the end of it was great. Enjoy:
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Penrith Training 27/10/07
I had a great session in Penrith today with Robbie. It is the first time I have been there purely to train, and what a time. We both explored around different areas and spots we had seen before, and the only place we didnt get time to go to (I had to get a bus, I think Robbie explored though) was the council and performing arts place near the Plaza. All the spots we found were really great, with a lot of varying things to do, and so close to each other aswell. Both of us accomplished a lot of things, and we are going to make it a regular thing. Next week I am taking my camera to film a training video of both of us, so you will see the things we did and so I don't have to list all the amazing things.
I cant wait till next week!
I cant wait till next week!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Conditioning and Plans
I started my new conditioning routine today. Last week I had a rest from any training, as the weekend really took it out of my elbows. So for the week I rested and started to draw up a new conditioning program, which includes lots of stretching, mobility and of course strength work. I did the first part today, which was upper body, and it went really well, as well as I had expected. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the week now. On Thursday it is another upper body day, but after school I am playing soccer, and when I get back it is dark. So, I am going to do my exercises in the morning, at around 5:30 when it gets light, before school. Sounds crazy, but it should be pretty fun.
On Saturday I am meeting up with Robbie Mann, who lives up in Lawson, about 45 minute train ride away from Penrith, the place I am meeting him. We are going to have an explore around some potential spots that we have seen, and train a bit. Then, the next week we can train properly and make some sort of regular thing out of it.
Feiyues are on their way, they should arrive sometime next week, Monday or Tuesday apparently. I got some nice green closed bottom joggers, good quality Saucony ones, reduced to $10, so I thought these would come in useful for with Feiyues so the bottom doesn't trail on the ground.
Yesterday we went on the boat, with Nathan and his family, which was great fun. We drove under the Sydney harbour bridge and saw all the sights, including the Opera House and the Prime Minister's pad. As we pulled into a jetty and beach, I spotted the sand, and there was a drop of about 3 foot onto it from the path where people would walk. I immediately thought about flipping off it, as there was ample run up and landing space to roll aswell. So I lined myself up, and front flipped failry okay, but it could have been better... after a few more attempts, I had a really nice swan dive, and the landing and roll were great. My mum filmed one, so I may put it up here. After a bit of a drive we anchored a little way out from another small beach, and then Nathan, my sister and I swam ashore. We explored the rocks for a way, and then Phoebe turned back, but we carried on. We went about 1k on the rocks, crawling, running, jumping and climbing - there were some hair-raising parts. We reached the end of the rocks, and headed back again, and then jumped into the sea and swam back to the boat.
So, there are my plans and things that have happened. I may write something later in the week, I have an article I wrote for LincsParkour website that I may put up, and I have been having thoughts about another.
On Saturday I am meeting up with Robbie Mann, who lives up in Lawson, about 45 minute train ride away from Penrith, the place I am meeting him. We are going to have an explore around some potential spots that we have seen, and train a bit. Then, the next week we can train properly and make some sort of regular thing out of it.
Feiyues are on their way, they should arrive sometime next week, Monday or Tuesday apparently. I got some nice green closed bottom joggers, good quality Saucony ones, reduced to $10, so I thought these would come in useful for with Feiyues so the bottom doesn't trail on the ground.
Yesterday we went on the boat, with Nathan and his family, which was great fun. We drove under the Sydney harbour bridge and saw all the sights, including the Opera House and the Prime Minister's pad. As we pulled into a jetty and beach, I spotted the sand, and there was a drop of about 3 foot onto it from the path where people would walk. I immediately thought about flipping off it, as there was ample run up and landing space to roll aswell. So I lined myself up, and front flipped failry okay, but it could have been better... after a few more attempts, I had a really nice swan dive, and the landing and roll were great. My mum filmed one, so I may put it up here. After a bit of a drive we anchored a little way out from another small beach, and then Nathan, my sister and I swam ashore. We explored the rocks for a way, and then Phoebe turned back, but we carried on. We went about 1k on the rocks, crawling, running, jumping and climbing - there were some hair-raising parts. We reached the end of the rocks, and headed back again, and then jumped into the sea and swam back to the boat.
So, there are my plans and things that have happened. I may write something later in the week, I have an article I wrote for LincsParkour website that I may put up, and I have been having thoughts about another.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sydney 14-10-07 Training
I went training in Sydney yesterday, after not going for a few weeks. Met most people (including Robbie who I have been wanting to meet, he lives in the Mountains sort of near me) at Town Hall at 11, where we warmed up for a bit, then headed down to Darling Harbour. After training at the ramp, where I training armjumps across gaps at various heights and a few movements, we headed over to the play area.
I front flipped into a large sand pit a few feet below, and landed them really well. I did a few swan dives and all the parents and kids were watching. Antek did a few great sideflips, then we moved on. The flips really pumped me up, and I felt a lot better training afterwards.
At the place with steps and walls, Antek and I drilled some catpass precisions, I am working on getting the third step. Both of us then went to the cubes, where we met everyone else again, and played around with different movements over the cubes and rings. I did a cool pop up and switch-handed 90 degrees straight over the otherside, it looked pretty cool. There is a great atmosphere developing now I am getting to know people. My confidence is growing a lot more now aswell.
This time it was about 1:30, so we started heading up to Pyrmont. When we arrived, Whale Park was all boarded off, as the construction people are moving it about 50 metres down the road, because of the redevelopment of the area. Hopefully there will be some good places to train when it is finished.
The APA Basics Class started at 2 and ran until 5. and after a warm up we split off into 3 different groups, and trained around Pyrmont, being led through different movements around the area. Our group started at one of the trees, where we swung through and linked different movements on the walls. After, we headed up to the courtyard part, where we drilled wallruns. This particular one was double my height, arms stretched out. I managed to get it after a few tries, and then hopped over the rail at the top. Then I ran along the grass, jumped off the rock and rolled, and then did movements down some step-type things, a bit like the ones at the College in Lincoln. My movements seem to be a lot more powerful and purposeful now aswell.
After this, we headed to this big sloping wall, with small handholds at a few points, and we did circuits going up, down and across it. My shoes offered no grip on this, so even when trying to run and spring up it, they would give way. Also, this made part of the grip nearly peel off, but that is now stuck down again. Definetly ordering some Feiyues, I love those shoes.
The class involved quite a bit of conditioning which I enjoyed, even though both my elbows started to ache and hurt a little. Luckily not above or below it, just right on it, so not tendonitis I'm pretty sure. They need a rest I think though, then I'm going to strengthen the muscles around them in my conditioning.
After the warm down, involving quadrupedal (woohoo!) Antek and I headed back to Town Hall for the train. Made it with 2 minutes to spare, wahey!
So yer, the day went well. Next time I go, I'm thinking of taking my camera and filming a jam video. Got school tomorrow, (Tuesday) as I have the day off today for some reason, then my two weeks holiday is over =[
Next blog post will be with my Feiyues in hopefully when I order them. If the people from kungfudirect eamil me back with postage prices and they are reasonable and quick, I'm gonna get some pure white ones, and then customize them somehow.
Till next time,
I front flipped into a large sand pit a few feet below, and landed them really well. I did a few swan dives and all the parents and kids were watching. Antek did a few great sideflips, then we moved on. The flips really pumped me up, and I felt a lot better training afterwards.
At the place with steps and walls, Antek and I drilled some catpass precisions, I am working on getting the third step. Both of us then went to the cubes, where we met everyone else again, and played around with different movements over the cubes and rings. I did a cool pop up and switch-handed 90 degrees straight over the otherside, it looked pretty cool. There is a great atmosphere developing now I am getting to know people. My confidence is growing a lot more now aswell.
This time it was about 1:30, so we started heading up to Pyrmont. When we arrived, Whale Park was all boarded off, as the construction people are moving it about 50 metres down the road, because of the redevelopment of the area. Hopefully there will be some good places to train when it is finished.
The APA Basics Class started at 2 and ran until 5. and after a warm up we split off into 3 different groups, and trained around Pyrmont, being led through different movements around the area. Our group started at one of the trees, where we swung through and linked different movements on the walls. After, we headed up to the courtyard part, where we drilled wallruns. This particular one was double my height, arms stretched out. I managed to get it after a few tries, and then hopped over the rail at the top. Then I ran along the grass, jumped off the rock and rolled, and then did movements down some step-type things, a bit like the ones at the College in Lincoln. My movements seem to be a lot more powerful and purposeful now aswell.
After this, we headed to this big sloping wall, with small handholds at a few points, and we did circuits going up, down and across it. My shoes offered no grip on this, so even when trying to run and spring up it, they would give way. Also, this made part of the grip nearly peel off, but that is now stuck down again. Definetly ordering some Feiyues, I love those shoes.
The class involved quite a bit of conditioning which I enjoyed, even though both my elbows started to ache and hurt a little. Luckily not above or below it, just right on it, so not tendonitis I'm pretty sure. They need a rest I think though, then I'm going to strengthen the muscles around them in my conditioning.
After the warm down, involving quadrupedal (woohoo!) Antek and I headed back to Town Hall for the train. Made it with 2 minutes to spare, wahey!
So yer, the day went well. Next time I go, I'm thinking of taking my camera and filming a jam video. Got school tomorrow, (Tuesday) as I have the day off today for some reason, then my two weeks holiday is over =[
Next blog post will be with my Feiyues in hopefully when I order them. If the people from kungfudirect eamil me back with postage prices and they are reasonable and quick, I'm gonna get some pure white ones, and then customize them somehow.
Till next time,
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Creek Training Video
Me and my friend Lochlan, who I havent seen in years spent pretty much the whole day at the creek, just exploring and things. I got some training in, and decided to film a few things that I had done before, and a few newer things I had found. Anyways, after WMM screwing up a lot, here is the finished product:
Enjoy, folks back home!
Enjoy, folks back home!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
So close....
Went out just now to practise double armed muscleups, I am getting so close. The other day I couldnt do the first part of the transition, now I can nearly get my chest over. I didn't have the last little bit of strength for the transition, but I reckon some conditioning today should get me a whole lot closer.
End of the week I will have them I tells ya!
Also, handstands have improved, even just over the course of a day or so. I love this progression feeling.
End of the week I will have them I tells ya!
Also, handstands have improved, even just over the course of a day or so. I love this progression feeling.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Conditioning etc
I have been conditioning quite a lot recently, and I am getting so close to double arm muscle ups now. In a week or so I will get them I reckon. Handstand, pressups, pullups and raise ups I'm gonna work on, upper body hell wooo!
Started filming a little training video for the people back home, and just to have a look myself. My climbups look way better, as do my rail precisions.
I have also noticed a big difference in my ambidexterity. I can now do most vaults over both sides, and take off and land on right foot and left foot comfortably. I have noticed myself just adapting a whole lot more, rather than doing set vaults I will just approach something from whatever angle and jump however feels natural, whether that means twisting in the air or tapping my foot on the obstacle as I go over, everything is just starting to feel a lot more natural.
Anyways, off now, gonna do more conditioning!
Started filming a little training video for the people back home, and just to have a look myself. My climbups look way better, as do my rail precisions.
I have also noticed a big difference in my ambidexterity. I can now do most vaults over both sides, and take off and land on right foot and left foot comfortably. I have noticed myself just adapting a whole lot more, rather than doing set vaults I will just approach something from whatever angle and jump however feels natural, whether that means twisting in the air or tapping my foot on the obstacle as I go over, everything is just starting to feel a lot more natural.
Anyways, off now, gonna do more conditioning!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Creek
Today I was out training at the park all day, with my friend and next-door neighbour Nathan. We also watched a bit of cricket my school friends were playing.
However, the best moment of the day came when Nathan said he would show me the creek that is at the bottom of our road through some bush.
We went around a few paths and the first thing I noticed was there were a few rocks. And then as we got right near the creek, there are some great rocks for training on. I looked at a few runs and jumps, and then we headed on, and decided we would come back and train there later. We crossed the creek using some thin logs, and then followed the path on the other side.
We passed underneath some huge rock overhangs, which were spectacular. On one you could see lots of layers of rock, they started off horizontal but as we carried on walking they twisted to about a 45 degree angle, it was really cool. I need to take pictures of it.
After walking along the path for a fair way, we came to the dam wall, which we balanced across, back to the original side. The paths here were very bushy, so I suggested we crawl up this large fallen tree, which was laid across and above the bush. After coming off the other end the bush thinned out, and we crossed a cow paddock back to the park, after some more walking.
Then we headed back down to the rocks for a while. I spotted a fairly large arm jump across a water gap onto this rock, which I subsequently did, and then did a few runs and tic tacs. I suggested we explored to the right of the rocks, and we ended up doing this big long run through the trees, over branches and rocks. It was so fun, we felt like proper animals.
After all our fun, we headed up back onto our estate, fully tired and sweaty and dirty. Only later did we find out that it was getting warmer, so there could have been lots of snakes. We knew about the spiders and leeches and lizards, but it was lucky we didn't see any snakes. Will look out next time, Kurrajong is Funnel Web Spider and Common Brown Snake central, the deadliest spider and one of the deadliest snakes in the world.
However, the best moment of the day came when Nathan said he would show me the creek that is at the bottom of our road through some bush.
We went around a few paths and the first thing I noticed was there were a few rocks. And then as we got right near the creek, there are some great rocks for training on. I looked at a few runs and jumps, and then we headed on, and decided we would come back and train there later. We crossed the creek using some thin logs, and then followed the path on the other side.
We passed underneath some huge rock overhangs, which were spectacular. On one you could see lots of layers of rock, they started off horizontal but as we carried on walking they twisted to about a 45 degree angle, it was really cool. I need to take pictures of it.
After walking along the path for a fair way, we came to the dam wall, which we balanced across, back to the original side. The paths here were very bushy, so I suggested we crawl up this large fallen tree, which was laid across and above the bush. After coming off the other end the bush thinned out, and we crossed a cow paddock back to the park, after some more walking.
Then we headed back down to the rocks for a while. I spotted a fairly large arm jump across a water gap onto this rock, which I subsequently did, and then did a few runs and tic tacs. I suggested we explored to the right of the rocks, and we ended up doing this big long run through the trees, over branches and rocks. It was so fun, we felt like proper animals.
After all our fun, we headed up back onto our estate, fully tired and sweaty and dirty. Only later did we find out that it was getting warmer, so there could have been lots of snakes. We knew about the spiders and leeches and lizards, but it was lucky we didn't see any snakes. Will look out next time, Kurrajong is Funnel Web Spider and Common Brown Snake central, the deadliest spider and one of the deadliest snakes in the world.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Rail Precisions + Conditioning
I have been out training in the park quite a bit this week. On Monday and Tuesday I did quite a bit of conditioning, my left thigh is nearly equal in size to my right thigh now, all those pistols have nearly paid off, and all the upper body stuff I have been doing has helped, I can do 7 pullups in a row now rather than 3. Pretty poor still I know. Im working on getting simultaneous muscleups, so pullups, pushups and various dips is what I have been doing.
Today I didn't feel like doing conditioning so I did movements instead. I've got a training partner now, my next door neighbor, who is a few years younger than me, but is pretty eager to learn things, so I have been teaching him a few things. Today I noticed quite a bit of progression. I have been getting gradually more confident with rail precisions, on these wooden beams. Today I did barefooted ones, which were nice, and felt really good. All my training recently has been barefooted, except for a few rail precisions I need to get more confident with. There are some precisions I have been looking at for a while now, onto these thin metal railings from a wooden plank. The plank is at an angle, so the further you move to the top, the further away it is from the railing, and the more level it becomes with the railing. The precision at the bottom is a small distance but upwards, so I got that first,and did it a few more times. Then I moved up the plank, further away and more level with the railing. I did the precision from the middle a few times, until I was happy with it. Then I did it from the top of the plank. I knew this part of the railing was slightly slippier than the rest for some reason, but after a few tests with my foot I knew I would be able to stick it well. The first time, I landed it and stuck it nicely, so I was really pleased. The second time however, after I had landed, my left foot slipped behind off the railing. Luckily I managed to control my fall pretty well, by moving my left foot over the railing, so I wouldn't scrape my shin, and then rolled out of it to stop myself cracking my face, and I then landed on the dirt on the other side on my back. All I got was a tiny cut on the base of my thumb from the wire fencing underneath the railing, and the little scab on my elbow came off and bled a bit. I got up, being pretty pleased with myself, as I had acted instinctively to stop the fall from hurting me. The fact that it felt like I knew what I was doing as well, I could have so easily panicked and hurt myself.
So thats my training from the past few days, can't wait to go train there again tomorrow. I'm so lucky it is only a fence-hop away.
Today I didn't feel like doing conditioning so I did movements instead. I've got a training partner now, my next door neighbor, who is a few years younger than me, but is pretty eager to learn things, so I have been teaching him a few things. Today I noticed quite a bit of progression. I have been getting gradually more confident with rail precisions, on these wooden beams. Today I did barefooted ones, which were nice, and felt really good. All my training recently has been barefooted, except for a few rail precisions I need to get more confident with. There are some precisions I have been looking at for a while now, onto these thin metal railings from a wooden plank. The plank is at an angle, so the further you move to the top, the further away it is from the railing, and the more level it becomes with the railing. The precision at the bottom is a small distance but upwards, so I got that first,and did it a few more times. Then I moved up the plank, further away and more level with the railing. I did the precision from the middle a few times, until I was happy with it. Then I did it from the top of the plank. I knew this part of the railing was slightly slippier than the rest for some reason, but after a few tests with my foot I knew I would be able to stick it well. The first time, I landed it and stuck it nicely, so I was really pleased. The second time however, after I had landed, my left foot slipped behind off the railing. Luckily I managed to control my fall pretty well, by moving my left foot over the railing, so I wouldn't scrape my shin, and then rolled out of it to stop myself cracking my face, and I then landed on the dirt on the other side on my back. All I got was a tiny cut on the base of my thumb from the wire fencing underneath the railing, and the little scab on my elbow came off and bled a bit. I got up, being pretty pleased with myself, as I had acted instinctively to stop the fall from hurting me. The fact that it felt like I knew what I was doing as well, I could have so easily panicked and hurt myself.
So thats my training from the past few days, can't wait to go train there again tomorrow. I'm so lucky it is only a fence-hop away.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Leaving Party Photo
Friday, September 07, 2007
Well, been making this for about a month, finally got the chance to film a few things in Richmond today, so I edited it together. My thumb/hand has healed enough to put weight on it, but I can't put it at weird angles and push off it.
The catpass-squirell is harder than it looks, I only landed it once properly because my right foot kept slipping off the tree, as I had worn the rough bark off it. It took about 20 minutes to get it, as there is a thin gap to fly through, a fair distance (I couldnt get an angle to show it much) quite a high box to vault over and clear, and then you have to get your feet exactly right to stick the landing. I was so chuffed at finally getting it!
The catpass-squirell is harder than it looks, I only landed it once properly because my right foot kept slipping off the tree, as I had worn the rough bark off it. It took about 20 minutes to get it, as there is a thin gap to fly through, a fair distance (I couldnt get an angle to show it much) quite a high box to vault over and clear, and then you have to get your feet exactly right to stick the landing. I was so chuffed at finally getting it!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Front Flips
Back in England, my front flips were pretty bad - ie landing crouched. I would try into the tricking bush at Magistrates, and I managed to land standing up sort of.
When I moved into my new house, I discovered a long jump put in the park next to us, and I figured I would try a few front flips. My first one, I landed leaning way far forward, and stood up, so I fell over. So on my next one, I untucked earlier, and landed pretty much perfect! In my excitement I ran to grab my camera, and then filmed a few. Since then, I have learnt to do one footed takeoffs, and got more height aswell. These are only my early ones, I have practised quite a bit more since filming them, but here ya go:
When I moved into my new house, I discovered a long jump put in the park next to us, and I figured I would try a few front flips. My first one, I landed leaning way far forward, and stood up, so I fell over. So on my next one, I untucked earlier, and landed pretty much perfect! In my excitement I ran to grab my camera, and then filmed a few. Since then, I have learnt to do one footed takeoffs, and got more height aswell. These are only my early ones, I have practised quite a bit more since filming them, but here ya go:
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sydney 18-08-07 + New Shoes
Went to Sydney yesterday, took a while on the train. And my mp3 battery is on the blink, lasted about an hour =[
Met most people at Town Hall, where we warmed up, and just did some general movements, arm jumps, underbars etc.
Then headed over to Darling Harbour, where we met a few more people, and drilled precisions, catpass precisions, dive rolls and the like. I got a dive roll through this small gap between a wall and rail, and did some nice runs over and through these concrete cubes. I filmed a few of these things, to show the folks back home. I got about 30 seconds worth of footage, so when I next go, and train in the local town I'll film some more, for a proper video.
My Feiyues finally got a small hole in the bottom of them, had them since February, and I have been careful not too kill them. I have a small hole underneath the left big toe. Its pretty small though. My Asics had died in the City2Surf, so dad had promised me some new shoes. I leave you with some pictures of my Saucony Grid Omni 5's:

Met most people at Town Hall, where we warmed up, and just did some general movements, arm jumps, underbars etc.
Then headed over to Darling Harbour, where we met a few more people, and drilled precisions, catpass precisions, dive rolls and the like. I got a dive roll through this small gap between a wall and rail, and did some nice runs over and through these concrete cubes. I filmed a few of these things, to show the folks back home. I got about 30 seconds worth of footage, so when I next go, and train in the local town I'll film some more, for a proper video.
My Feiyues finally got a small hole in the bottom of them, had them since February, and I have been careful not too kill them. I have a small hole underneath the left big toe. Its pretty small though. My Asics had died in the City2Surf, so dad had promised me some new shoes. I leave you with some pictures of my Saucony Grid Omni 5's:

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Well, a lot has happened since my last post. I am now in Australia, the land down under.
Before I left, I had a farewell jam and party, which was immensely fun. We had a hog roast and bouncy castle at my house, which provided an awesome tricking session. By the end of the night though, it was a quite upsetting. Some people came and visited later in the week, which was nice, but then I had to say farewell again. Needless to say, I miss everyone very, very much. It's weird making new friends, but still keeping in touch with old ones. Training with different people in different locations takes a bit of getting used to, but it's all about adaption.
I have been to Sydney for training twice since arriving. It is about 1.5 hours on the train, so not too bad. There is a local town near me which is pretty good too. I am going to Sydney on Saturday, then the local town on Sunday. Will be my first full training weekend for a while. I injured my knee, I think doing an arm jump involving me turning in the air. It's better now though, took a few weeks to heal.
I ran 14 kilometres last weekend, in the City2Surf race. It was great fun, hot, tiring and exhilirating. I ran with my dad and our friend Tony. We finished it in 1hour30mins, so a good time, but with lots of room to improve next year. Asics are pretty much dead now.
Its late over here now, still need to change the times around on this thing. When I move into my new house I'll take some pictures of it, and the training area nearby. It is pretty good, and so near to my house. Cant wait.
Anyways, off to bed, still aching from Sunday's run.
Before I left, I had a farewell jam and party, which was immensely fun. We had a hog roast and bouncy castle at my house, which provided an awesome tricking session. By the end of the night though, it was a quite upsetting. Some people came and visited later in the week, which was nice, but then I had to say farewell again. Needless to say, I miss everyone very, very much. It's weird making new friends, but still keeping in touch with old ones. Training with different people in different locations takes a bit of getting used to, but it's all about adaption.
I have been to Sydney for training twice since arriving. It is about 1.5 hours on the train, so not too bad. There is a local town near me which is pretty good too. I am going to Sydney on Saturday, then the local town on Sunday. Will be my first full training weekend for a while. I injured my knee, I think doing an arm jump involving me turning in the air. It's better now though, took a few weeks to heal.
I ran 14 kilometres last weekend, in the City2Surf race. It was great fun, hot, tiring and exhilirating. I ran with my dad and our friend Tony. We finished it in 1hour30mins, so a good time, but with lots of room to improve next year. Asics are pretty much dead now.
Its late over here now, still need to change the times around on this thing. When I move into my new house I'll take some pictures of it, and the training area nearby. It is pretty good, and so near to my house. Cant wait.
Anyways, off to bed, still aching from Sunday's run.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Half Term Training
I have tried to make the most of this week, so I have been in Lincoln training on Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning and all of today.
I recently started doing barefoot training, and I must say it is really fun. It makes you think about every little movement, every landing, and every step. I did most of the Library challenge barefooted today, and doing different circuits around the church in Lincoln, balancing, running, small precisions. Also, underneath City Hall I have been doing some arm jumps and vaults barefooted.
There wern't many people training today, just me, Jak, Gainey and Adam and Leanne. Leanne helped film a little chase scene/run, involving me and Jak running away from the other 2 lads, afetr nicking their mobile phone. It is pretty fun, the footage so far is nice, and the movements seem really efficient and natural.
We are filming more on Saturday, which should be good. I'll post something else then.
I recently started doing barefoot training, and I must say it is really fun. It makes you think about every little movement, every landing, and every step. I did most of the Library challenge barefooted today, and doing different circuits around the church in Lincoln, balancing, running, small precisions. Also, underneath City Hall I have been doing some arm jumps and vaults barefooted.
There wern't many people training today, just me, Jak, Gainey and Adam and Leanne. Leanne helped film a little chase scene/run, involving me and Jak running away from the other 2 lads, afetr nicking their mobile phone. It is pretty fun, the footage so far is nice, and the movements seem really efficient and natural.
We are filming more on Saturday, which should be good. I'll post something else then.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Training 26th May
I got up early on Saturday to get the early train into Lincoln. With only a few weeks remaining in the country, I am making all the time I can to train.
I arrived at 8:20, and we trained for a few hours, then met up with people getting off the train at about 10.
After doing the Library challenge, we met the Cleethorpes lot, who are good trickers, which put most people in a tricking mood. Myself, Jack and Shaun decided that after training with them for a bit at City Hall, we would split off after getting lunch at Boots.
Jack, Shaun and I headed up to the top end of town, on some scaffolding and things. We were in a great mood, and we decided we wouldnt take any conventional routes. We picked directions to go in, and then headed there, over and under in a straight line.
After this, and visiting Stu at work, we headed home, me and Shaun on the train, and Jack on his bus. We had a pretty full day of training, and we all felt really good by the end of it.
I cant wait till Wednesday, where I can get about half a days training in Lincoln.
I arrived at 8:20, and we trained for a few hours, then met up with people getting off the train at about 10.
After doing the Library challenge, we met the Cleethorpes lot, who are good trickers, which put most people in a tricking mood. Myself, Jack and Shaun decided that after training with them for a bit at City Hall, we would split off after getting lunch at Boots.
Jack, Shaun and I headed up to the top end of town, on some scaffolding and things. We were in a great mood, and we decided we wouldnt take any conventional routes. We picked directions to go in, and then headed there, over and under in a straight line.
After this, and visiting Stu at work, we headed home, me and Shaun on the train, and Jack on his bus. We had a pretty full day of training, and we all felt really good by the end of it.
I cant wait till Wednesday, where I can get about half a days training in Lincoln.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Training 16-05-07
Today in Ruskington was good. I feel much better for it, after my recent confidence lack. I would feel very "tight" in my body, so going for things was not as easy. After today, realising what I need to do to make myself do something, I have been feeling more "loose". So come Saturday, I should be back to my old self.
Anyways, heres the video I filmed today.
Anyways, heres the video I filmed today.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
New Video
Heres my new video...bit cobbled together. Im filming a training video tomorrow hopefully.
Well, today is the anniversary of LincsParkour, so I felt a good time to update. I'll list a few main points about my training development.
-Moving to Australia next month.
-Still cant do wallflips. Nearly got fronts good on flat. Need to jump UP more.
-Did competition for TSD, got 3rd place sparring for my group.
-Climb ups are lots better. Also, got muscle ups on a tree branch on Saturday.
I will update tomorrow with my training session, and how it went.
-Moving to Australia next month.
-Still cant do wallflips. Nearly got fronts good on flat. Need to jump UP more.
-Did competition for TSD, got 3rd place sparring for my group.
-Climb ups are lots better. Also, got muscle ups on a tree branch on Saturday.
I will update tomorrow with my training session, and how it went.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I am starting to venture slightly in to tricking, and so far, the only move I am interested in learning is the wallflip.
My target is to get them down confidently on grass by March 20th, then on concrete by the end of the month.
Also, little update on my parkour progression:
I can feel myself adapting without hesitation, like when practising runs and such, my foot positioning stays normal, so I can go into a "speed-pass" with either right foot first or left foot first (still vaulting over left side though). My climbups are improving lots, I can nearly get them with both hands at the same time, but at the moment it is very fast and fluid one arm slightly after the other. Finally, I am really enjoying "movement training", after watching Brad Moss' video it has inspired me to think of new ways of moving. This has helped a lot with my underbars and overall control.
Laters =)
My target is to get them down confidently on grass by March 20th, then on concrete by the end of the month.
Also, little update on my parkour progression:
I can feel myself adapting without hesitation, like when practising runs and such, my foot positioning stays normal, so I can go into a "speed-pass" with either right foot first or left foot first (still vaulting over left side though). My climbups are improving lots, I can nearly get them with both hands at the same time, but at the moment it is very fast and fluid one arm slightly after the other. Finally, I am really enjoying "movement training", after watching Brad Moss' video it has inspired me to think of new ways of moving. This has helped a lot with my underbars and overall control.
Laters =)
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Feiyues + Training
My feiyues came today, so I did some training in them this evening. They take a bit of getting used to, but after a few balancing techniques they feel great. I think I will wear them for the Saturday jam, but I have a choice now.
I did some balance work, and a few vaults, my main one was a catpass to roll that I really liked. I did some strength work on some pillars, my climbups are getting much better. I did quite a few precisions, and the grip is definetly evident, they feel very secure.
Update on Saturday!
I did some balance work, and a few vaults, my main one was a catpass to roll that I really liked. I did some strength work on some pillars, my climbups are getting much better. I did quite a few precisions, and the grip is definetly evident, they feel very secure.
Update on Saturday!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Lincoln 03/02/07 + TKD
Training went pretty well on Saturday, my catpass technique has improved a bit. I nearly got the catpass2precision near the estate, I think I'll get it next week. My arm strength has improved lots since keeping up my conditioning routine, and doing regular pressup challenges, as I noticed when doing reverse muscle ups, I got them a lot more consistent, so hopefully by next week I should have them sorted.
TKD on Monday was good, though on the way there I discovered anticlimb paint on a wall that I like to use for arm jumps and climb ups.
I ordered my Feiyue's a few days ago, and they tried to deliver today, but my mom wasnt in, so my dad is picking them up tomorrow from the Post Office. So I'll be out training in them tomorrow!
TKD on Monday was good, though on the way there I discovered anticlimb paint on a wall that I like to use for arm jumps and climb ups.
I ordered my Feiyue's a few days ago, and they tried to deliver today, but my mom wasnt in, so my dad is picking them up tomorrow from the Post Office. So I'll be out training in them tomorrow!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Lincoln 27/01/07
Lincoln was great today!
We found some scaffolding that I had seen on my way to work exp. each morning, so we spent a while on there in the morning, doing lachés, underbars and reverse muscle ups, amongst other bar work.
Then, the Echo, where I did some dive rolls through the gap, and then working into into something flowful (hopefully it looks good on camera)
We hit City Hall for some parkour tag, and then the Green Rails, where we preceded to train topless (in the middle of January!), then we headed to M&S (still topless)and trained until we got kicked. Then, through town to the college, and the new black rails there, where I did some bare back rolls on concrete after jumping down a few steps (it was good practise for landings and rolls).
Afterwards, we headed up to Magistrates Court, and did some general movement and precision training. I tried the upwards precision a few times, nearly stuck it, and the last time I went all out, got my feet on the top and slipped, and landed on my elbow and back after a few foot drop. My elbow got a bit cut and my back got a bit scraped, but just normal wear and tear. We headed back up to the scaffolding after stopping off to watch Stu and Jack do some huge precisions near the river. I filmed Jonny doing a run through the scaffolding whilst being carryed by Stu and Jack, which was a laugh! When the day was through, I headed back home with Jonny and Stu Pembery, whilst Luke stayed tll 5:30. All in all, it was a good day, except for some annoying tag alongs, who did a bit of training, but were complete knobs, even after we tried to educate them. I wont include any of their stupid comments, about how they train and what parkour is, but lets just say it was misguided to say the least.
Nearly sticking the upwards precision at Magistrates.
Dive rolls at the Echo.
Rolling technique is a lot smoother, didnt hurt at all bareback on concrete.
Nearly acheiving reverse muscle ups, I did one though.
Lachés are a bit better, as is arm strength.
PS: Me and Jack did a pressup challenge yesterday via MSN, we did 10 sets of 15 reps, with 3 minute breaks in between each one. A grand total of 150 was completed by each of us, and I did 100 the day before, so I am very pleased.
Check out the training video of today, featuring various people.
We found some scaffolding that I had seen on my way to work exp. each morning, so we spent a while on there in the morning, doing lachés, underbars and reverse muscle ups, amongst other bar work.
Then, the Echo, where I did some dive rolls through the gap, and then working into into something flowful (hopefully it looks good on camera)
We hit City Hall for some parkour tag, and then the Green Rails, where we preceded to train topless (in the middle of January!), then we headed to M&S (still topless)and trained until we got kicked. Then, through town to the college, and the new black rails there, where I did some bare back rolls on concrete after jumping down a few steps (it was good practise for landings and rolls).
Afterwards, we headed up to Magistrates Court, and did some general movement and precision training. I tried the upwards precision a few times, nearly stuck it, and the last time I went all out, got my feet on the top and slipped, and landed on my elbow and back after a few foot drop. My elbow got a bit cut and my back got a bit scraped, but just normal wear and tear. We headed back up to the scaffolding after stopping off to watch Stu and Jack do some huge precisions near the river. I filmed Jonny doing a run through the scaffolding whilst being carryed by Stu and Jack, which was a laugh! When the day was through, I headed back home with Jonny and Stu Pembery, whilst Luke stayed tll 5:30. All in all, it was a good day, except for some annoying tag alongs, who did a bit of training, but were complete knobs, even after we tried to educate them. I wont include any of their stupid comments, about how they train and what parkour is, but lets just say it was misguided to say the least.
Nearly sticking the upwards precision at Magistrates.
Dive rolls at the Echo.
Rolling technique is a lot smoother, didnt hurt at all bareback on concrete.
Nearly acheiving reverse muscle ups, I did one though.
Lachés are a bit better, as is arm strength.
PS: Me and Jack did a pressup challenge yesterday via MSN, we did 10 sets of 15 reps, with 3 minute breaks in between each one. A grand total of 150 was completed by each of us, and I did 100 the day before, so I am very pleased.
Check out the training video of today, featuring various people.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Dive Rolls at TKD
Well, what a night!
In the adults session me and Jammie practised dive rolling over high things, and then long things. Jammie did neck height high and 10 1/2 of his feet on length. I wasw pleased with the ones I did, but I did better at diving through gaps. Twas a great session, and we had a bit of an audience, and then got chatting about parkour to them.
In the adults session me and Jammie practised dive rolling over high things, and then long things. Jammie did neck height high and 10 1/2 of his feet on length. I wasw pleased with the ones I did, but I did better at diving through gaps. Twas a great session, and we had a bit of an audience, and then got chatting about parkour to them.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Hey, I've been away for a while, holidaying in Oz. Did a bit of training too. The day after I got back I went to Lincoln to train! Last week was Lincoln, and this week was Sleaford.
I wont bore you with details, so I'll write a list of the things I have acheived recently, that I am proud of.
-Catpass to Precision in Sleaford: Huge and on video!
-Catpass to Precision in Lincoln: Aiming to clear the wall and roll, still pretty pleased.
-Improved precision distance: A lot of people noticed when I got back.
-Can now do pistol squats!
-Better handstands
-Improved confidence
Thats it for this week!
I wont bore you with details, so I'll write a list of the things I have acheived recently, that I am proud of.
-Catpass to Precision in Sleaford: Huge and on video!
-Catpass to Precision in Lincoln: Aiming to clear the wall and roll, still pretty pleased.
-Improved precision distance: A lot of people noticed when I got back.
-Can now do pistol squats!
-Better handstands
-Improved confidence
Thats it for this week!
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